Wednesday, June 6, 2018

2 cryptocurrencies to invest in below $5 with great potential

Currently trading at $1 congratulate yourself if you know this diamond still well below most eyes, if you are just knowing congratulate yourself because its still cheap, grs is one of the currencies
with the cheapest transaction fees and lightning fast and it takes less than 5 secs to make payments which qualifies it for instant payment. You might ask yourself why is it this cheap if it has all these mouth watering features, its simply because the grs team has spent $0 on advertisement which makes it the possible reason you have not known it.
when searching for currencies to invest in, the nucleus of any project is its fundamentals, then you you will know why this is a great coin. grs developers have created multiple wallet platforms that supports Android, IOS, |Mac and linux which are very resilient and secure, an aspect so many other coins have neglected or are yet to deploy which puts the coin far ahead.
Grs also stops payments made to other currencies for instance sending grs to a vertcoin or litecoin address, grs notes the currency and stops the user from making payment thus saving you time and of course money, this coin is also listed on top quality exchanges like Binanace, bittrex so purchasing some is always quick and easy.

Most blockchain projects out there connect homogenous communities using blockchain but icon icx connects the total digital heterogeneous communities using blockchain with this project we have governments, financial institutions, universities systems and other institutions create their on customized blockchain that connects to the  Icon network and popularly referred to as the all in one blockchain ecosystem. As we all know the success of every network is determined by its participants, eg  facebook, twitter and the likes are totally  dependent on the amount of users on the network, icon also has the has the ability to allow these blockchains to communicate with each other thereby combining all these economies into decentralized network with icx bringing all together, South korean companies have already started to adopt icx massively, and icx stands out as the only project out there offering such service which gives it no competitor for a project as interesting as such.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

What is blockchain?

Simply put it, blockchain is a shared or distributed database of transactions managed by a consensus of nodes confirming
and adding new blocks of data to the already existing ledger. Once inputted, data cannot be deleted or manipulated. This distributed ledger contains a verifiable record of every transaction that ever occured in the network.

One of the most widely known use case of blockchain is bitcoin, bitcoin is cryptocurrency and a digital cash payment system that allows individuals to  send payment from one individual to another without an 3rd party institution, and the birth of bitcoin has fostered the growth of other
cryptocurrencies like ethereum, litecoin, zcash, helbiz and groestlcoin but we must have a good understanding that blockchain goes beyond just financial payment and  it has enormous potential to
change the this present and futrue digital economy in a very positive and impactful way.

With ethereum , we can imagine a world that offers the opportunity to blockchain developers to build decentralised applications on the ethereum network and embed contracts in digital code which are stored in transparent, shared databases, where they are protected from deletion, tampering, and revision.

Smart contracts are essentially programs that can automatically execute the terms of a contract if certain conditions of the contracts are met, for instance the ownership of a property could become yours if certain percentage of money is received, or a land, it could be used in a university school system where a fresher pays fees, registration number, room number and all necessary items needed are automatically issued without  any human intervention. In this world every agreement,
every process, every task, and every payment would have a digital record and signature that could be identified, validated, stored, and shared. Intermediaries like lawyers, brokers, and bankers might no longer be needed. that's the birth of a trustless system.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Will you still believe in blockchain if bitcoin crashes to $1

When google banned all cryptocurrency related ads, it pushed the price of bitcoin to an all month low and fell by a whooping $500, welcome to the volatile nature of  bitcoin and cryptocurrency,  these  fluctuations assets price makes it a very dicey and controversial investment because of its decentralized nature and no government control and regulation but the fact remains that this technology called blockchain has the potential of making it one of the greatest innovation in human history.

Let's face it a larger percent of people are in it for the money and some are there for the technology, which ever side you find yourself you surely don't plan to loose your hard earned money, so how then should you handle market dips? patience and genuine believe in the market and technology, I advise every cryptocurrency investor to do his or her own research before purchasing any asset, by truly studying and understanding blockchain infrastructure to a level that gives you sustainable hope and deep understanding that supersedes every bear market, because when that is done and you know the disruptive nature and and enormous potential, you will not be dismayed be market dip and sell your priced assets at a sad loss. what then is required to hold still and be calm despite the pessimism that clouds the market, as Warren Buffet the greatest investor but not a fan of bitcoin and cryptocurrency puts it, The market is a device for transferring money from the patient to the impatient.

Further more, remember that no matter how careful you are, the one risk no investor can eliminate is risk of being wrong, only by insisting on what Benjamin Graham called the margin of safety, never overpaying no matter how exciting a coin seems to be, you minimize your odds of error or losses. how then can you tell the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrency are over under bought.

A cryptocurrency is under bought or undervalued if the coin provides more solution than its present dollar price, a coin is not just a ticker symbol or digital blip, it a ownership interest in an actual project with an underlying value that does not depend on its market price, and the market will
always swing between unsustainable optimism which makes it far too expensive and unjustified pessimism which makes them far too cheap as I normally call those periods Crypto Black Fridays a period to get them at possibly 10x lower than its value. What you need during  those period is a sound intellectual framework for making timely and close to accurate decisions in a cesspool governed by these emotions called  greed, fear, unreasonable happiness and take advantage of the moment and forge your own victory.